Privacy Policy

AKIRA NAKA Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") provides services to businesses, including Internet shopping sites. The Company recognizes the importance of the personal information of customers who use its services and all other persons who provide personal information to the Company. We promote the protection of personal information by establishing the following privacy policy, building a system for protecting personal information, and ensuring that all of our employees recognize the importance of protecting personal information and take appropriate efforts to do so.

Definition of Personal Information

"Personal information" refers to information about a living individual that can be used to identify the specific individual by name, date of birth, or other description contained in the information, or information that can be easily cross-checked with other information and thereby used to identify the specific individual.

Collection of Personal Information

The Company may collect and use customers’ personal information for the purposes listed in "3. Purpose of use of personal information”.
・Customer's name, address, nationality, date of birth, telephone number, and e-mail address
・Customer's purchase history
・Other personal information that is necessary for us to provide products and services to customers

Use of Personal Information

The Company uses the personal information received from our customers for the following purposes.
1) Payment for the purchase of the Company’s products and shipping
2) After-sales service related to the Company’s products purchased
3) Information on campaigns, products, and services offered by the Company
4) Service development using customer opinions, survey results, usage history, etc.
5) Provision to third parties to the extent necessary for appropriate operations such as shipping services
6) Other cases that are necessary for the site operations
Secure management of Personal Information
The security of personal information received from customers is managed by the service provider through rational, organizational, physical, personnel, and technical measures, and the Company strive to prevent risks such as unauthorized access to personal data, loss, alteration, or leakage of personal information by appropriate handling such under relevant laws and regulations.

Use of Cookies

The Company may use cookies in order to provide better service to customers, but this does not collect personally identifiable information and does not infringe on customer privacy. It is possible to set your browser to refuse cookies, but please note that if you do so, some of the services and functions of this website may not perform properly.

Use of SSL

For security purposes, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology is used to prevent entered personal information from being intercepted, interfered with, or altered. SSL is a security feature that encrypts data for secure transmission.

Contact Us
Contact us here

Privacy Policy Changes
Whenever the Company changes the personal information we collect, the purpose of use, or other changes to our privacy policy, we will announce by posting the changes on this page.

Additional Rules
This Privacy Policy shall be effective from November 25, 2019.